932 research outputs found

    Cómo surgen los conectores: los reformuladores id est, esto es, es decir

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    [Resumo] No ámbito dos denominados marcadores do discurso (entre eles, os conectores) escasean os traballos diacrónicos. Parece razoable pensar que, se coñecemos como xorden e co- Abstracts / Resúmenes / Resumos mo se desenvolven estas unidades, comprenderemos mellor o seu funcionamento actual. De todos os conectores reformulativos estudamos tres: es decir, esto es e id est. O primeiro é o máis empregado, o segundo está restrinxido á lingua escrita e o último é a versión latina de escasa, mais ininterrumpida, presenza en español.[Resumen] En el ámbito de los llamados marcadores del discurso (entre ellos, los conectores) escasean los trabajos diacrónicos. Parece razonable pensar que, si conocemos cómo surgen y cómo se desarrollan estas unidades, comprenderemos mejor su funcionamiento actual. De todos los conectores reformulativos estudiamos tres: es decir, esto es e id est. El primero es el más utilizado, el segundo está restringido a la lengua escrita y el último es la versión latina de escasa, pero ininterrumpida, presencia en español.[Abstract] Of all the studies on the subject of discourse markers (which include connectors), very few have have been diachronic in nature. It seems reasonable to assume that if we knew more about their origin and development, we would better understand how they operate in contemporary Spanish. We have chosen to study three of these reformulative connectors: es decir, esto es, and id est. The first one is the most widely used; the second is used only in written Spanish ; and the last one is the Latin equivalent, which in current Spanish is used very sparsely, though incessantly

    El habla de Santibáñez de la Sierra (Salamanca): notas léxicas

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    Este trabajo pretende ser un resumen de las características más significativas de la expresión de un pueblo situado en el sur de la provincia de Salamanca, muy cerca de la frontera con Extremadura. Las características del español vulgar se mezclan con algunos restos del dialecto leonés y con ciertas características (fundamentalmente fonéticas) típicas de las regiones del sur, (por ejemplo: tanto la aspiración de la velar fricativa sorda y la implosiva / s / implicaría un claro contraste con el discurso del resto de la provincia y de la región). Las características fonéticas y morfológicas se describen muy brevemente. Por otro lado, el estudio sobre el léxico es la prioridad y la contribución principal. Hay una selección de palabras que pueden ser importantes por diferentes razones: ya sea por su originalidad (no hay evidencia documental de algunos de ellos), o debido a su rareza: el léxico dialectal, como una "variación" diatópica, es todavía significativa en el estudio de los cambios lingüísticos.This work is meant to be a summary of the most significant characteristics of the speech of a village located in the south of the province of Salamanca, very close to the border with Extremadura. The characteristics of vulgar Spanish are mixed with some remains of the Leonese dialect and with certain features (mainly phonetic ones) typical of the southern regions, (eg: Both the aspiration of the voiceless fricative velar and the implosive /s/ imply a clear contrast with the speech of the rest of the province and the region). Phonetic and morphological characteristics are very briefly described. On the other hand, the study on the lexicon is the main priority and the main contribution. There is a selection of words that may be significant for differents reasons: either because of their originality (there is no documentary evidence of some of them); or because of their oddity: the dialectal lexicon, as a diatopic “variation”, is still significant in studying linguistic changes.notPeerReviewe

    In-loop Feature Tracking for Structure and Motion with Out-of-core Optimization

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    In this paper, a novel and approach for obtaining 3D models from video sequences captured with hand-held cameras is addressed. We define a pipeline that robustly deals with different types of sequences and acquiring devices. Our system follows a divide and conquer approach: after a frame decimation that pre-conditions the input sequence, the video is split into short-length clips. This allows to parallelize the reconstruction step which translates into a reduction in the amount of computational resources required. The short length of the clips allows an intensive search for the best solution at each step of reconstruction which robustifies the system. The process of feature tracking is embedded within the reconstruction loop for each clip as opposed to other approaches. A final registration step, merges all the processed clips to the same coordinate fram


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    The objective of this study is to explore the possibility of applying a point system as a guide to the management of waiting lists in National Health Systems. Following recent contributions in the axiomatic theory of justice, the ethical properties of a point system are illustrated. In addition, we present the results of an experiment whose objective was to develop a point system for cataract extraction, based on social preferences. The results of the experiment have shown that the analytic methods used here, of focus groups, interview-administered questionnaires, conjoint analysis, and rank-ordered logit, can be usefully combined to determine the total priority score for each patient.Point System; Priority Criteria; Waiting Lists; Cataract.

    El poblamiento tardoantiguo y emiral en la Sierra de Alcaraz (Albacete)

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    Las prospecciones arqueológicas que venimos desarrollando en la Sierra de Alcaraz y la Sierra del Segura albaceteña, lo que creemos que podemos considerar como la mitad septentrional de la Orospeda, han permitido atestiguar una serie de asentimientos que por su tamaño, envergadura de las construcciones y tipo de emplazamiento, permiten aproximarse al estudio del poblamiento de esta zona, atestiguando la gradación de los asentamiento, desde una posible civitas, El Santo de Alcaraz, hasta caseríos de montaña, pasando por un conjunto de asentimientos que podrían encuadrase en los castellum que se citan en la campaña del 577 de Leovigildo.The archaeological surveys have been developing in the Sierra de Alcaraz and Sierra del Segura of Albacete, we believe that we can consider as the northern half of the Orospeda, have enabled a number of nods witness whose size, scale and type of buildings siting, allow to approach the study of the peopling of the area, witnessing the gradation of the settlement, since a possible civitas, El Santo of Alcaraz, to mountain villages, passing through a series of settlements that could encuadrase in castellum cited 577 in Leovigild campaign

    Evolución y análisis comparativo del cartel de turismo español basado en el caso de Madrid. Desde la comisión nacional de turismo hasta el ministerio de información y turismo (1905-1977)

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    En numerosas ocasiones, los españoles nos lamentamos por la visión estereotipada que la mayoría de los países tienen de nosotros. El origen de este imaginario colectivo se debe a la interpretación romántica de los artistas europeos y americanos de los siglos XVIII y XIX, que trasladaron al papel y al lienzo imágenes y descripciones cautivadoras para definir nuestra cultura. El siguiente trabajo presenta una exposición y un análisis de la iconografía turística española, tomando como modelo el caso de Madrid a través de los carteles de turismo editados por los organismos oficiales responsables de la promoción de nuestro país, desde los primeros años del siglo XX hasta 1977, cuando desaparece el Ministerio de Información y Turismo. La intención de este estudio es relacionar las imágenes que protagonizan dichos carteles con las características del periodo histórico correspondiente y acometer un ejercicio de reflexión, en el que se aprecien cómo los responsables públicos han aprovechado y han fomentado la imagen costumbrista y tópica de España durante buena parte del periodo de tiempo que abarca nuestra investigación.Many times, Spaniards are disliked for the stereotyped vision which most foreign countries have about us. The origin of this collective imagination is due to the 18th and 19th European and American artist ́s romantic interpretation, who reflected on the paper and on the canvas charming images and descriptions to define our culture. The next work presents an exposition and an analysis of the Spanish tourist iconography, taking as a model the particular case of Madrid throughout the tourist posters, from the beginning of the 20th century until 1977, when the Ministerio de Información y Turismo was finished. The goal of this research is to connect the images, which star in the posters, with the features of their corresponding historical period and to achieve a reflection exercise where we can appreciate how the public organizations have taken advantage and have supported a theme and popular image of Spain throughout a wide part of our research

    El cartel como instrumento de promoción en los inicios del turismo español (1900-1936)

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    El viaje ha sido uno de los temas más recurrentes en el mundo del cartel. Los propietarios de las compañías de transportes contrataron a dibujantes y a pintores para plasmar los atractivos del viaje y de los medios de locomoción a través de este medio impreso. Por lo tanto, el mensaje comercial llegaba a una población entusiasmada por las imágenes sugerentes y expresivas, debido a que la influencia de las vanguardias artísticas estuvo presente en los ejemplares dirigidos a los privilegiados turistas de principios del siglo XX. Rápidamente, el cartel de turismo se convirtió en la imagen proyectada de España a los países emisores, cultivando desde un primer momento el mito romántico que tanto nos caracterizó, pero destacando después el proceso imparable de un país que avanzaba hacia la modernidad. Aunque existieron diferentes productos publicitarios, el cartel fue la mejor tarjeta de presentación de los encantos de nuestro país y el conjunto de ejemplares realizados durante la gestión del Patronato Nacional de Turismo es el testimonio más destacado de la excelencia de este género artístico.The trip has been one of the topics more appellants in the poster area. The owners of the companies of transport contracted draftsmen and painters to form the attractions of the journey and of the means of locomotion across this printed way. Therefore, the commercial message arrived to an excited population by the suggestive and expressive images, due to the fact that the influence of the artistic avant-garde was present in the copies directed the privileged tourists of beginning of the 20th century. Rapidly, the poster of tourism turned into the image projected of Spain to the issuing countries, cultivating from the first moment the romantic myth that so much characterized us, but also emphasizing the unstoppable process of a country that was advancing towards the modernity. Though different advertising products existed, the poster was the best card of presentation of our country and the works realized by the Patronato Nacional de Turismo is the testimony most distinguished from the excellence of this artistic genre

    Comparison and evaluation of states of health

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    Starting from a finite or countable set of states of health, and assuming the existence of an objective transitive preference relation on that set, we propose a way of performing interpersonal comparisons of states of health. In so doing, we first consider the population divided into types, and consider that two individuals of a different type have a comparable state of health whenever they sit at the same centile of their respective type. A way of comparing and evaluating states of health for different groups is then proposed and rationalized. This can be viewed as both an alternative and an extension of the traditional QALY approach.QALY, states of health, comparison, types

    Fault Tolerance as an aspect using JReplica

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    Reliability and availability are very important trends in the development process of distributed systems. In order to improve these features, object replication mechanisms have been introduced. Programming replication policies for a given application is not an easy task, and this is the reason why transparency for the programmer has been one of the most important properties offered by all replication models. However, this transparency for the programmer is not always desirable. In this paper we present a replication model, JReplica, based on Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). JReplica allows the separated specification of the replication code from the functional behaviour of objects, providing not only a high degree of transparency, as done by previous models, but also the possibility for programmers to introduce new behaviour to specify different fault tolerance requirements. Moreover, the replication aspect has been introduced at design time, and in this way, UML has been extended in order to consider replication issues separately when designing fault tolerance systems.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC99-1083-C02-0